Loker Konoha Loker,Lowongan Kerja Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues

Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues

Job title: Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues

Company: PT Kolindo Jaya Karta

Job description: Job Description Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues: Job information Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues from the Company PT Kolindo Jaya Karta, this latest Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues job vacancy is located in the city Gayo Lues located in the province Aceh . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate . Job Vacancies in this Administrative field have been opened and published up to the specified time.

Job Responsibility Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues:

  • Membuat Rekapan Data Secara Manual / Online
  • Membuat Arsip Kerja / Data Entry
  • Melakukan Update Data Harga / Price
  • Membantu menyiapakan data untuk bagian penjualan

Posisi Lainnya : Administrasi, Admin Data Entry, Entri Data, Accounting / Akuntan, Finance, Pajak, HRD, Customer Service, Operator Area, Operator Produksi, Maintenance, Cleaning Service, General Afair, Resepsionis / Receptionist, General Business Management, Marketing, Sales Area, Supervisor, IT Programmer, Software Developer, IT Admin

Job Requirement Administrasi Gudang Warehouse Gayo Lues:

  • Wanita dan Pria maksimal 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal SMA
  • Dapat bekerja secara team dan dibawah tekanan
  • Memahami sistem penjualan
  • Jujur, teliti, tegas, dan bertanggung jawab
  • Menguasai komputer
  • Penempatan Sesuai Area Berlaku

Expected salary:

Location: Aceh

Job date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 22:47:28 GMT

Kunjungi Garasi Kerja

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