Loker Konoha Loker,Lowongan Kerja Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Staff Crewing

Syarat Melamar Kerja Sebagai Staff Crewing

Job title: Staff Crewing

Company: PT Energi Samudra Logistics

Job description: Job Description Staff Crewing: Job information Staff Crewing from the Company PT Energi Samudra Logistics, this latest Staff Crewing job vacancy is located in the city Jakarta Selatan located in the province DKI-Jakarta . This latest job opening is open to job seekers who have the latest education / graduate High-School . Job Vacancies in this Staf / Administrasi umum field have been opened and published up to the specified time.

Job Responsibility Staff Crewing:


  • Membantu tugas-tugas Crewing Officer dalam menyiapkan dokumen dan database Crew kapal
  • Memonitor Crew kapal
  • Melaporkan dan berkoordinasi dengan Crewing Officer
  • Membantu arrange tiket crew kapal
  • Membuat laporan mingguan dan bulanan terkait crew
  • Membuat PKL (Perjanjian Kerja Laut) dan Surat Mutasi on/off crew
  • Membantu dalam mempersiapkan anggaran biaya crew kapal (Transportasi penerimaan dan treminated crew)
  • Mengarsipkan dan mengecek berkas semua crew kapal
  • Memastikan kelengkapan dan keabsahan sertifikat CoP & CoC (Certificate of Competency & Certificate of Proficiency)
  • Memelihara record crew kapal


  • Usia Maksimum 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan terakhir S1/D3,
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang sangat baik
  • Mahir dalam administrasi database
  • Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bagian crewing
  • Mahir mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (terutama Power Point)
  • Kemampuan bahasa Inggris aktif

Job Requirement Staff Crewing: Make sure that the vacancy you are looking for matches the title of this job vacancy. Make sure you are not offered a suspicious investment business or become a member of an unclear MLM. It should be noted that if the job opening is not a large company, for example an individual or a small CV, then you can ignore the tips above.

Expected salary: 5000000 – 7000000 per month

Location: Jakarta Selatan

Job date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 22:17:39 GMT

Kunjungi Garasi Kerja

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